Sunday, April 12, 2009

Because We Don't Have Kids

Both Friday and Saturday night Jim and I were able to go out and have some grown up fun. Jim had off from work on Friday, so we started our weekend of fun early when we caught the 5:19 train to Philly. We had a fun night planned with Jim's siblings, Susan, Katie, and Stephen and his brother-in-law, Declan. We arrived at the 30th Street Station and walked a few blocks before being enticed by some awesome aromas to stop and have dinner at a place called Mix Pizzeria. Rain had been forecast for the evening, but it felt so nice out that we tempted fate and sat out in front of the restaurant anyway. The food tasted so fresh and I'm almost positive the french fries were homemade. They were seriously the BEST I've ever had. Ever. I'd go back there just to order a humongous side of fries. But I digress....

We made it to the concert and sort of settled in around a little table (the venue was mostly standing room only). A guy we'd never heard of named Michael Tolcher opened the show and he was pretty good. Then Matt Wertz took the stage (woo hoo!). Jim and I had seen him perform at the very same place (World Cafe Live) about 2 years ago and we totally fell in love with his music. Jim's sibs had never heard his stuff, so we were happy to introduce them. He rocked out the show with nearly all our favorites, plus some new stuff that was really catchy.

When the concert ended we headed back to the train station and found a giant Twister board (you know, like the game) stuck to the floor. Wit and I were daring enough to give it a go and Sue called out the moves. I finally ended up collapsing on the floor after nearly pulling some serious muscles trying to stretch far enough to reach one of the colored dots. Round 2 found Jim, Susan, and Wit on the Twister board while Declan and I spun and called the shots. Katie did an excellent job taking pictures to capture the ordeal. (I forgot my camera, so if you want to see them, check them out on Katie's blog here.)

We caught the train and Declan and Katie dropped us off at our house around 1:30ish. Jim's parents had taken care of our girls all night and they were both crashed in our family room. We chatted with them for a few minutes to find out how their evening was with the girls and quickly learned that Chase and Kyra had teamed up and tricked them into letting Chase sleep in Kyra's room. I so wish I could've seen that on the video monitor. They said it was super cute.

We had barely recovered from Friday when we headed out the door a little after 7:00pm Saturday night. We were on our way to the bowling alley to surprise our friend Rick for his 30th birthday. He arrived around 8:00 and was seriously shocked to see all his friends there waiting. It was great to just hang out with our friends without our kids for a change. We ate pizza and cupcakes, took lots of pictures (well, Ang did), chatted non-stop, and almost finished 2 games of bowling. It was a blast. We got home earlier than expected (due to the bowling alley closing at 10:00) and got the rundown from the sitter. She told us Kyra had just gone to bed (it was 10:40pm) because she kept asking Nicole to read her stories (and Nicole was nice enough to oblige). I was somehow not surprised at all. Nicole is super sweet and Kyra took to her instantly, so I had a suspicion that Kyra would try to con her into something like that.

All in all this weekend was exhausting, but much needed. I don't know if it's possible to feel recharged and tired at the same time, but I do. All weekend long we kept saying "let's do this because we don't have kids!" So. Much. Fun.

1 comment:

a blog full of weldons. said...

the pics of the giant twister on katie's blog are awesome! so cute! that is a serious split you are sporting girl! i'm jealous that i can't do the same :)